Devlog 11: let the ritual commence

We have come a long way. But now we are finally here. Everything is set and ready. The only thing left to do is to begin the ritual.

Hey, Michiel here. This will be the last devlog. The game is as good as finished. It sure was a wild ride. But before we sign off, here are a few more changes we made:

  • Changed dash button from B to A.
  • Added sound effects to buttons, enemies, player, boss, etc.
  • Added music to the main menu, main level, game over screen, and victory screen.
  • Changed the direction in which the player gets thrown when running out of sanity while standing in the pentagram. You now get thrown away from the center.
  • Fixed a bug with the health display not fully draining upon death.
  • Increased the amount of health regeneration when standing in the pentagram.
  • Added a text display above each player character to indicate which player is which.
  • Assigned new materials (created by Casandra) to each player.
  • Added VFX (created by Ivo) to animations (created by Casandra).
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck in each other when attempting to revive a player that died while standing in a pentagram.
  • Added camera shake to the boss appearing and boss slam attack.
  • Added a cinematic to the boss upon death.
  • Fixed revive animation.
  • Attached new material (made by Ivo) to the flashlight.
  • Added a flash to the player when regaining dash, and decreased the time between dashes.

Hi Luca here for the last time, this week i was tasked with fixing our still broken enemies and boss, they all finally work now, and our boss has some brand new fancy spawn in animation thanks to Casandra. I've also been busy finding, edditing and implementing some sound effects for our detectives. Also Balancing has been a big part of my week and i think the game is in a somewhat balanced state at this point. More feedback is always welcome.

Hey, Ivo here! This week we all worked hard to polish the game and fix little issues. I've made a lot of little tweaks to the level like color correction and post processing effects, and the lighting is improved as well. Also, you can finally see where the flashlight is shining, thanks to a new material! Also, I've fixed small mistakes in meshes, added the final particle effects, and tweaked the existing ones.
So, small changes, but a lot of them! See if you can spot them all!

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34 days ago

Get Go To Hell

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