Devlog 8: Now we are summoning with portals

Scene: Two cultists looking at another cultist floating above a pentagram.
Cultist 1: So, how long has Steve been floating there?
Cultist 2: About 5 minutes.
Ghostly figure of cultist Steve appears behind them.
Steve: Hey, guys.

Astral projection mode

Talk about an out of body experience

So, do you remember those funny flowy things on the floor? Yeah, they finally do something. These pentagrams will allow you to enter astral projection mode. But be aware, while your mind might be in another plane, your body is still here. And if you do not have a friend to look after you while you are away, you may find that you can no longer return... Just to be clear, I mean that you will be dead; you won't be stuck in the astral plane.

Anyway, here is a more general overview of things that I added to the game:

  • A UI displaying each player's current sanity and health (art provided by Casandra). A character portrait that changes expression when your sanity reaches a certain value.
  • There will now only be one pentagram in the level; after the pentagram has been used, it will take some time for it to respawn.
  • When you enter astral projection mode, you will control a character that has a translucent texture (made by Ivo). Your flashlight will be replaced by the ability to shoot astral bullets. These cannot harm the enemies in the physical plane but can harm something else.
  • A decoy player will appear in the pentagram. This decoy has the same texture as your player character. If this decoy takes damage, you take damage.
  • When the pentagram runs out of time, you will go back to the physical plane at the location of the pentagram.
  • A start menu with the ability to start or quit the game. Use a controller to navigate the menu (art created by Casandra).

Luca here, this week i've been tasked with making our ancient god a reality, he doesn't do much at the moment instead of floating over the abyss but im getting there. Next week he will actually start doing some damage to our brave heroes.

I've also finally fixed the ranged enemy and added some animations to our detectives so they don't just float over the floor anymore.

Ivo Here, this week I worked on texturing, so the props and details on the walls finally have materials! I also started on some of the effects that will be in the game. The pentagram is already done, it just needs to be implemented into the game, so the pentagrams will look much better than the simple mesh we've used until now.

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53 days ago

Get Go To Hell

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